Sarah Hardin

These pages represent genealogy data for many ancestors and descendants of Col. Frederick Hambright who emigrated from Germany to America. This data is focused on Col. Frederick Hambright descendants and the many allied families. Although great care has been taken, there is no guarantee to the accuracy of ALL information. Please use the genealogy data as a rough guide. The genealogy was created by many different hands over decades of time and needs to be verified by you! These pages are a work in progress, which are updated as information is presented. If you would like to comment, share new information, or request needed corrections, please click on the “Add Genealogy Page” page and submit your information using either contact form.

[Sarah Hardin] Frederick married twice, first in his early twenties to Sarah Hardin (b 1733 - d prior to Oct 1780 ), daughter of Sarah Elizabeth and Benjamin Hardin, II of Virginia. He is listed as one of the married men serving in Captain Samuel Corbin’s company of 48, during the Spanish Alarm, Wilmington, NC 1747-1748. Frederick and Sarah had twelve children, six died in infancy. The surviving children were: Elizabeth , m Joseph Jenkins; John Hardin, m Nancy Black; Frederick, Jr., m Mary Eaker; Sarah, m Peter Eaker; Benjamin, m ________; James, m Rachel Wells.

In the early 1750’s, Frederick traveled south with a group from Virginia to the Carolinas, accompanied by Sarah and her brothers, Capt. Joseph, John, and Benjamin, and others. Upon arrival in Anson County, later to become Tryon and then Lincoln, these pioneers erected log cabins and joined with neighbors in building a Fort for protection against the Catawba Indians. Land was patented on the Catawba River, Aug. 30, 1753, and in May 1769 he purchased land in the fork of Long Creek and Still House Branch, near present Dallas, NC. This is where Sarah died and is buried and where Frederick lived until 1781. (Excerpt from biography)

Ancestors of Col. Frederick Hambright Sr.

Elizabeth Hambright (1755-1821)

John Hardin Hambright (1762-1844)

Benjamin Hambright (1764-1844

Frederick Hambright Jr. (1766-1844)

Sarah Ann Hambright (1768-1826)

James M. Hambright (1744-1834)